Friday, December 17, 2010

Rainy Day Drawings

More living, more drawings; results from two days ago (top), and from today (bottom).

A great outcome of drawing and posting regularly is that it is improving my ability to identify the strengths and weaknesses in my approach to drawing. For example, in general my profile views seem more natural and appealing than my straight ahead sketches. To me, the drawing on the right side of the lower page is not so accomplished. I think it is just that I have not mastered the landmarks of the face viewed head on.

A better result, head on, is on the right side of the top page. Here a vocabulary of "symbols" is emerging that represent shorthand for capture the facial features and expression of the subject.

My favorite of these two pages is the middle drawing on the lower page. A profile, but I think the lines are simple, clean and effective, and they combine to capture a good likeness; overall, a nice sketch.

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